America, if I have had said it once I will say it a gazillion times. Canceling sporting events due to a virus that you can contract and recover from and inducing panic to make it sound deadly is the worst thing to happen in sports since NASCAR debut the car of tomorrow. I mean honestly people, freaking out about a virus that can kill but be able to remove and sending the world into panic mode is a little ridiculous. Ever since Rudy Gobert contracted the virus it has lead to all sports groups and leagues to cancel or postpone events, I mean it's not that big of a deal. Now if an athlete had died due to the virus then yeah it's time to start canceling but if an athlete contracted the coronavirus or any type of virus and gets cured of it you wouldn't need to cancel. But I guess if one gets the virus and is cured then I guess we need to cancel all sports because of that happening because apparently 2020's word of the year is overreaction. But that is just my opinion.
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